© Paul Lemaire



European Union Fondo Sueco-Noruego de Cooperaciónpara la Sociedad Civil Colombiana (FOS)
OECD, IUCN European Partnership for Responsible
Minerals (EPRM).

Objectives of the country’s projects

  • Increasing the contribution of artisanal and small-scale mining to human and rural development in Burkina Faso through legal and viable production and commercialization channels.
  • Examining the governance of the mercury value chain thorugh the formal and informal channels.
  • Expanding the scope of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance among mining stakeholders in West Africa.
  • Developing and implementing a training program on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for stakeholders in mineral supply chains, especially gold, in the three LGA States.

  • Setting up our office and work team to provide local capacity for project implementation.
  • Reaching out to mining actors, understanding their context and analyzing the selected mining areas to prepare a comprehensive intervention with mining groups in 2020.
  • Identifying mining areas and sites we work with to create legal and responsible artisanal and small-scale mining associations in the country.

● Understanding mercury's value chain to support the public decision on strategies for mercury reduction and phase-out.

  • Carrying out training workshops on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance as part of the agreement signed with this organization. Representatives of artisanal miners, buyers, national authorities and key civil society actors were sensitized to the content of the Guidance and the importance of working towards the creation of supply chains free from conflicts and human rights violations.

  • Strengthening partnerships with national and local actors, especially with the authorities responsible for the mining sector, to launch the project and create dialogue mechanisms.

Sustainable Development Goals we supported in our territorial projects in 2019:



Donors ILO. Solidaridad Network

Project Objective


Making use of the CRAFT Code as an instrument to support the formalization of the operations of artisanal and small-scale mining producers.

●Performing CRAFT Code analyses in several mining organizations in the western region of Ghana.

● Conducting a preliminary analysis of the commercialization factors that would facilitate the creation of a supply chain using the CRAFT standard in Ghana

  • Training local actors, both institutions and members of the artisanal and small-scale mining sector, in the CRAFT standard, outlining the opportunity of adopting a phased risk mitigation strategy for the formalization of the sector.

Sustainable Development Goals we supported in our territorial projects in 2019:




Donors OECD

  • Expanding the scope of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance among mining stakeholders in West Africa.
  • Developing and implementing a training program based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for stakeholders in mineral supply chains, especially gold, in the three LGA States.

Sustainable Development Goals we supported in our territorial projects in 2019:




Gold Commercialization

A workshop was organized in Niamey to strengthen the stakeholders’ capacities in building responsible mineral supply chains, based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.

See more mining territories

Asia Latinoamérica