Executive Summary

Major achievements:

The Alliance for Responsible Mining consolidated a model that strives for legitimate, responsible and profitable artisanal and small-scale mining, which promotes inclusive and sustainable development through CRAFT and Fairmined standards.

Empowering men and women miners

by improving their practices in responsible mining territories.


  • 9 countries in 3 continents.
    Active in Colombia, Peru, Honduras, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria, the Philippines and Mongolia.
  • 10 more municipalities
    With territorial viability focused on CRAFT and Fairmined standards.
  • 10 Fairmined certified organizations
    (ethical mining meeting high international Fairtrade Standards).
  • 4 mining groups
    have worked using CRAFT to access formal markets and review associated risks (due diligence and conflict-free mining practices).
  • 33 municipalities
    Where we have worked towards responsible mining.

For more information about our achievements in mining territories, please check the territories section and learn more about our improvements in each region and key issues.

Improving men and women miners’ practices

By the support of the Alliance for Responsible Mining and the organizational, social, technical and environmental strengthening in commercialization, territorial governance and participatory communication.


Projects and consultancies


Direct participants


Indirect participants


Direct participants in CRAFT programs


Direct participants in Fairmined programs

Supporting standards and certification systems

By customized incentives to the artisanal and small-scale mining sector.

  • Broad international CRAFT recognition, including CRAFT references made by OECD and other relevant partners in the sector.
  • Fairmined continues to be an international benchmark for best practices in the small-scale mining sector and fair trade.
  • Initial discussions for preparing CRAFT version 2.
  • 1.010 participants trained on CRAFT and Due Diligence application in mining territories.
  • Fairmined Connect launched: online Fairmined information system for transaction control and quality assurance system

Learn more about the achievements and challenges of CRAFT and Fairmined standards (standards and markets):

Connecting miners to markets

Promoting responsible supply chains and working hand in hand with responsible and ethical markets.

  • The Fairmined premium has reached $5 million over the past five years, which has been invested in improving working conditions in mines, environmental governance, increased technification and productivity, and community-level projects.
  • 412 kg of Fairmined certified gold has been sold to the international market.
  • More than 16 kg of gold has been sold following the CRAFT standard. Key players have worked together with traditional and artisanal miners to improve their practices, report improvements using  CRAFT standard, and formalize and connect with formal markets.
  • 1.470 workers in the Fairmined production system: 181 women and 1289 men.
  • 64 new licensees and 4 authorized suppliers joined the Fairmined initiative.
  • 79% of Fairmined certified mining organizations sold more than 70% of their Fairmined supply to the market.

Learn more about the achievements and challenges of CRAFT and Fairmined standards and markets:

Fostering dialogue and cooperation between different actors

To create a broad concerted vision of responsible mining territories.



  • Attending more than 40 events in the sector, 16 countries in 4 continents and members of different international platforms. 

Learn more about our international presence

  • Fostering dialogue on responsible artisanal and small-scale mining in territorial committees

Learn more about territorial dialogues

  • 2 publications, 11 blogs, success stories , for improving small-scale mining sector have been posted so far.

Learn more about these articles which lead to high-quality dialogue

Allies and ARM’s team

Thanks to dedicated miners, strong partners and a professional working team, responsible for improving this sector with transparency.

  • A professional team made up of over 50 people based in 4 countries and territorial interventions made in 8 countries in 3 continents

Meet the people we work with, our team and our model here

  • More than 30 renowned partners and donors at the national and international levels.

Meet our partners here:

  • The total of allocated financial resources amounted to USD 1,054,267 (COP 3.455 billion) to ARM Latin America and USD 276,468  (EUR 252,160) to ARM Europe.

Find out ARM’s financial information here: